Legislative Advocacy

Advocacy is a foundational pillar in PPSM’s mission.

PPSM utilizes volunteers to engage in legislative advocacy at the state level in support of families affected by PMADs.

    • We work with legislators to expand postpartum Medicaid coverage and reimbursement for community-based services (doula care).
    • We partner with fellow organizations that advocate for maternal mental health (see below).
    • We aim to keep laws and statutes top of mind for healthcare providers.

    According to Minnesota statute, hospitals and other delivery facilities must provide departing new mothers with information about postpartum depression. The MN Department of Health provides these materials. A 2012 addition to the statute requires the state to ensure materials and education regarding postpartum depression are effective in ways that reduce racial disparities and are accessible to women of color.

Our volunteers remain up-to-date about current perinatal legislation via our relationship with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). We encourage interested community members and professionals to check out NAMI’s website for legislative education and more information about involvement. NAMI offers Legislative Updates, advocacy resources, and a Legislative Committee for which those interested can volunteer.

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