
Get involved as a member of PPSM!

When you join PPSM as a member, 100% of your membership donation stays in Minnesota, supporting the work PPSM is doing in communities all over the state. Membership gets you connected to our state resource directory, newsletters about maternal mental health across the state, speaker events, case consultation and networking groups, and more.

Membership Tiers

PPSM offers several membership tiers for individuals or group practices interested in joining PPSM. Your membership is a tax-deductible donation to PPSM, the Minnesota chapter of PSI.

Are you already a member of PSI? Your PSI membership includes membership with PPSM (use discount code 2025PSI when you sign up below).
Please consider a separate donation to PPSM as you sign up for PPSM member benefits - your support allows us to serve Minnesotan parents and families.

  • Membership for individually licensed professionals and integrative practitioners working in the perinatal mental health or adjacent spaces - physicians, NPs, PAs, PT/OT/SLP, therapists, midwives, doulas, lactation consultants, naturopaths, chiropractors, bodyworkers, etc.
    Membership: $100 annually

  • Professional Group memberships are for group practices or organizations with multiple members. Groups are offered in the following sizes

    • 5-9 individuals: $300 annually

    • 10-19 individuals: $575 annually

    • 20-29+ individuals: $925 annually

  • Community Ally membership is specifically for those individuals who believe in the mission and vision of PPSM but are not working in the maternal mental health or adjacent spaces. Community allies are family, friends, and neighbors of survivors of perinatal mental health conditions.
    Membership: $40 annually

Membership Benefits

PPSM is the Minnesota State Chapter for Postpartum Support International. As a non-profit organization, PPSM relies on membership donations in order to fulfill its mission and vision, serving Minnesotans through support, advocacy, awareness, and training.

  • Hear experts across the state share about topics pertinent to all perinatal mental health and adjacent professionals. Members can request CE from their state board.

  • We heard you loud and clear - you want to connect with other Minnesota providers! PPSM facilitates a quarterly case consult and networking forum via teleconference with in-person opportunities available.

  • Quickly search for perinatal mental health resources and professionals in your area, or share the directory with your colleagues and patients.

  • PPSM offers a members-only platform where you can create a listing with requests for information or to share your own event. Post your available job postings to the PPSM job board to advertise to perinatal mental health professionals.

    • membership badge for display on websites, email signatures, etc.

    • quarterly newsletters featuring new members, upcoming trainings with a perinatal mental health focus, and PPSM news

Join PPSM as a member

If registering as a group, use discount code 2025GROUP

If registering as an individual (as an ally or professional), use discount code 2025DRIVE

If you are already a paying PSI member, your PPSM membership is free. Please email for the discount code.

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